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Showing posts from June, 2022

Finding the best restaurant to enjoy traditional mandi in Abu Dhabi!

In this blog we are going to discuss why you need to find the right restaurant in Abu Dhabi , to truly enjoy the unique taste & flavor of this popular dish. Originally believed to have originated in Yemen, it gained popularity across the Gulf region, and from there on, all around the world. Its popularity is comparable to Biryani, from Indian Cuisine. Each country in the Gulf Region has its own take on this traditional dish, giving it unique tastes and flavors, however, the techniques used to prepare the dish is largely the same.  The unique taste of mandi comes from how the meat and rice are cooked. When it comes to the selection of meat, lamb, camel, goat, or chicken is used. It all begins with the meat being left to marinate with a unique spice mix, called Hawaij in Arabic. This is a mixture of many spices, including black pepper, turmeric, cumin, cardamom, coriander, cloves, and cinnamon. Different cultures have different iterations of spices, however, they usually carry a ...

كيف يتم صنع المندي اليمني التقليدي؟

  في أبو ظبي المندي هو طبق يمني شهير يمكن العثور عليه في العديد من المطاعم. يقدم على طبقة من الأرز مع اللحم ومزيج من البهارات. يكمن أهم ما يميز هذا الطبق في كيفية تحضير اللحم كلمة “مندي” في اللغة العربية تعني “الندى” التي تشير إلى قوام اللحم المطاطي الرطب ، والذي يتم طهيه عادة في فرن عميق ، على غرار ما في الصورة أدناه كيف يتم تحضير المندي تقليديا؟ يتم تتبيل اللحم أولاً بمزيج من الأعشاب والتوابل ، وهو ما يسمى عادة الحواج في اليمن. يمكن أن يكون اللحم من لحم الضأن أو الإبل أو الماعز أو الدجاج غالبًا ما يكون الأرز البسمتي نوعًا شائعًا من الأرز المصاحب للحم ، وينمو ضعف طوله عند طهيه. يُسلق اللحم أولاً بمزيج البهارات ويتم استخدام المرق لطهي الأرز ، بينما يتم تعليق اللحم فوق جزء الأرز. ثم يُترك الطبق ليُطهى ببطء لمدة 8 ساعات قبل أن يصبح جاهزًا للأكل غالبًا ما يُضاف البصل المكرمل والمكسرات والزبيب للتزيين أطباق جانبية مع المندي المندي هو طبق متعدد الاستخدامات يتناسب مع العديد من الأطباق الجانبية والحلويات. فيما يلي عدد قليل منها يمكنك تجربته سلطة سلطة عربية مزيج متنوع من الخس والخيار والط...

How is Traditional Yemeni Mandi made?

 In Abu Dhabi, Mandi is a popular Yemeni dish that can be found being served at many restaurants. It is served on a bed of rice with meat and a mixture of spices. The highlight of this dish lies in how the meat is prepared. The word “mandi” in the arabic language means “dew” which refers to the moist chewy texture of the meat, which is usually cooked in a deep pit oven, similar to the one pictured below. How Mandi is traditionally prepared? The meat is first seasoned with a mixture of herbs and spices, which is usually called Hawajj in Yemen. The meat could be lamb, camel, goat, or chicken. A common type of rice that usually accompanies the meat is often basmati rice, which grows twice its length when cooked. The meat is first boiled with the spice mix and the broth is used to cook the rice, while the meat is suspended above the portion of rice. The dish is then left to slow-cook for about 8 hours before it is ready to eat. Carmelized onions, nuts and raisins are often added as ga...